Help us reach our goal! We are almost there. Support the Nido Scholars! 

The Nido Scholars Program provides full scholarships for academically talented students from Chilean public schools to attend Nido. 

Since the program began in 2019, eight students have attended Nido on full scholarships. Five of these students have now graduated from Nido and pursued undergraduate degrees at top universities in the US, and three are currently attending Nido. Nido aims to enroll two Nido Scholars every year. 

The Goal

We are aiming big this year - US $86,000 (~ $78 million chilean pesos). 

With your help Nido can continue granting life-changing scholarships to talented students in Chile.

Change A Life

All amounts are welcome! 

  • Friends Circle - CLP $1.000 - CLP $99.000 (US $1.11 - US $111)
  • Nido Circle - CLP $100.000 - CLP $249.000 (US $112 - US $279)
  • Eagle Circle - CLP $250.000 - CLP $499.000 (US $280 - US $559)
  • Champion Circle - CLP $500.000 - CLP $999.000 (US $560 - US $1,120)
  • Leadership Circle - CLP $1M and up (US $1,121 +)

You can support the Nido Scholars Program by clicking the orange Donate button, entering in your donation in US dollars, and your credit card information. Cards from around the world are accepted and the amounts are denominated in US dollars. 

Those donating over this platform will receive US tax benefits. If you would prefer a Chilean "Certificado de DonaciĆ³n" you can make a local Chilean bank transfer. Please mention "Scholars Fund donation" in the subject line when you make the transfer. Here is the transfer information:

  • Name: FundaciĆ³n Educacional Nido de Aguilas 
  • RUT: 81.623.500-6
  • Bank - Banco de Chile 
  • Checking Account # - 8002372500
  • E-mail: [email protected]

For additional information on the program please click here

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